The First Early Warning Signs Reported by Parents

Video Summary

Dr. Smith describes the first symptoms and concerns typically reported by parents of children on the spectrum, including a lack of pointing, delayed speech, poor eye contact, difficulty being soothed and a lack of attachment or connection to their caregivers.

"...most parents will say 'he wasn't talking' and probably that goes back and forth with 'he had no eye contact with me....he never seemed to be connected with me..'"
— Christopher Smith, PhD


    • Nonverbal Behaviors Used in Social Interaction
    • lack of eye contact
    • lack of social smiling
    • Nonverbal Communicative Skills
    • lack of pointing
    • Social Interaction
    • lack of engagement
    • Social Interaction
    • not easily comforted
    • lack of interest in other children
    • lack of joint attention
    • lack of relatedness
    • lack of secure base
    • lack of shared enjoyment
    • lack of social motivation
    • Verbal Communicative Skills
    • lack of expressive language
    • lack of communicative intent
    • lack of response to name

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